Stephan Adamus

Stephan seriously got into playing videogames after Santa brought him a PS1 and a copy of Final Fantasy VII in 1998. He’s an RPG, Adventure, Action, and Platformer kinda game player, who now collects retro Nintendo and PlayStation games with a mighty passion! He also loves the metal, and hopes to bring a retro review perspective to the COGconnected community.

Search Results For: Stephan Adamus

Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster Review – A Classic Made Easy

The graphics of the Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster are a very subjective matter. Obviously, the best scenario would have been for Square-Enix to include the option to change graphics from the Super Famicom original version to the Pixel Remastered one, but honestly, I really think these Pixel Remasters look gorgeous. The updated pixel art is stellar.