Modern Warfare Spec Ops Mode Unveiled

Modern Warfare 4-Player Spec Ops and Survival Mode Detailed by Infinity Ward

The returning Special Ops mode coming to Modern Warfare was recently highlighted by Infinity Ward during a recent blog post and YouTube videos posted to the Call of Duty channel. Both the 4-Player Spec Ops experience and the Survival mode exclusive to PS4 were detailed, showing different ways gamers can group up to PvE together in the upcoming title. Call of Duty Modern Warfare releases on October 25th for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Modern Warfare Screen

During the Activision blog post, Infinity Ward reminds gamers that the threats to the world don’t end in campaign or multiplayer and that Survival mode is just an aspect of the freshly revamped Special Ops. The Spec Ops challenges support up to four players who can carry over loadouts, operators and other multiplayer content to assist in the PvE combat. Each of the missions in Spec Ops so far feature gamers locating and neutralizing ISIS-esque terrorists.

While operations give gamers the best breadth of strategic and tactical choice, Missions are a more specific, curated experience where your proficiency with killstreaks, specific weapons and other tools will be tested. Missions are endlessly replayable and gamers will receive a ranking between one to three stars depending on their performance. Gamers will have an “Infinity Ward time” in each Mission to attempt to beat for bragging rights and likely an achievement.


The Spec Ops Survival mode was revealed to be the wave based four-player experience that replaces Zombies for the PvE combat gamers group up to do. Survival Mode sends endless hordes of increasingly difficult and determined enemy AI soldiers in a variety of settings and experiences. This game mode will be exclusive to PlayStation until October 1st 2020 which has many Xbox fans canceling their pre-orders.

What are you excited to do in Spec Ops from what you’ve seen and heard about it so far? What was your favorite part of previous Special Operation experiences? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: wccftech