Niantic Announces February Community Day Event for Pokemon GO

Bundle Up and Catch Some Swinub in Pokemon GO

Niantic has announced the Pokemon GO community day event for February, featuring Swinub and a few other bonuses for players brave enough to face the winter weather (depending on where you live).

Pokemon GO Swinub

The star of Februaryโ€™s community day event is the ice/ground-type Swinub, who evolves into Piloswine, and Mamoswine, the latter of which is a gen 4 evolution who has yet to be added to the game.

As is tradition, Piloswine is set to receive a yet-to-be announced special move, and itโ€™s more than likely that the shiny version of Swinub will make its way to the game for community day. Other perks include increased lure time from thirty minutes to three hours, and catching Pokemon will net you 3 times the regular amount of awarded Stardust for powering up and trading Pokemon.

The event is set to start on Saturday, February 16th and will run for three hours in your respective time zone:

Asia, Australia: 12pm to 3pm JST (Sunday)

Europe, Middle East, Africa, India: 10am to 1pm GMT (Saturday)

North America, South America, and Greenland: 2pm to 5pm EST (Saturday)

Thereโ€™s currently a Hoenn-focused event running in-game right now as well. Let us know if youโ€™re looking forward to Februaryโ€™s Community Day event in the comments!

SOURCE: Pokemon GO