Spelunky 2 Release Date for PC Has Been Dug Up

Buried Treasure

Last monthโ€™s State of Play revealed a lot. We all got a pretty good look at the follow up to 2012โ€™s revamped Spelunky in a gameplay trailer from the creator Derek Yu. Being a Sony event, we only got the PS4โ€™s Spelunky 2 release date, leaving PC users in the dark with a โ€œcoming soonโ€ message. Thankfully, โ€œsoonโ€ actually is pretty soon. Yesterday, Mossmouth announced that Spelunky 2 would be hitting Steam just a couple of weeks after it launches on PS4. It was originally meant to release in 2017, but things happen and it was delayed a bunch of times.

Spelunky 2 Release Date

Spelunky 2โ€™s release date on PS4 is on September 15th and in a post on Twitter, Mossmouth announced that the gameโ€™s Steam launch would follow on September 29th. You can add it to your Steam wishlist now in case it gets buried by any other upcoming releases and itโ€™ll resurface at just the right time. If you check out the State of Play trailer you can see exactly where Spelunky 2 has expanded itself over the first game, which is pretty much everywhere. Everything from shops, characters, the hub community has been improved for a deeper experience.

PC users will have to wait just a couple of weeks after Spelunky 2 comes out on PS4, so count yourselves lucky as there does not appear to be any other platforms announced to support the game. Sorry, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Spelunky 2 will be out on PC and PS4 on September 29th and 15th, respectively.

Which platform will you be spelunking on? Let us know in the comments below.