Naughty Dog Cut Content From The Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us Part II Had Lots of Cut Content

During a recent interview The Last of Us Part II director Neil Druckmann and narrative lead Halley Gross discussed the content that got cut from the final product. Although there’s currently a petition going around to change the story of the game, apparently a lot of content had to be scrapped in the final product. Because of the use of flashbacks in The Last of Us Part II, the game had lots of potential scenes that were ultimately cut. The Last of Us Part II is currently available exclusively for the PS4.

The Last of Us: Part 2 The Last of Us II

“There was a whole side story where Ellie went to the Seraphite island and we had so much more to say about the Seraphites and Ellie’s journey there and she’s going through like the different layers of Hell and she still keeps going forward,” said Neil Druckmann. “In the farm sequence, you can find an entry in Ellie’s journal where she writes about killing this boar and how it makes her feel; we shot cut-scenes for that. There was a whole playable sequence of her hunting down a boar and it was awesome, but we felt that for pacing and production purposes it was just better to remove it. Art was done and Ashley (Johnson) gave a great performance of how she kills this boar and everything.”

“Joel had a girlfriend. The ending was different,” claimed Halley Gross. Although we’d like to see what Joel would be like with a girlfriend and what the ending may have been before being changed, we’re happy with the finished product, cut content and all.


“Whatever we say here ultimately doesn’t matter,” said Neil Druckmann. “Everything you need to understand the story is in the game, and whatever players take from it… their interpretation is right.” Although lots of content was cut from The Last of Us Part II, in the end it looks like Naughty Dog made a compelling storyline.

What’s something you wish was in The Last of Us Part II but wasn’t? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: IndieWire