Top 10 Characters We Would Love to See in Injustice 2

3 โ€“ Starfire

Hereโ€™s another Teen Titan that I was extremely shocked didnโ€™t make the cut into the first game. Not only is Starfire one of the most popular Teen Titans, but she is among the most popular characters the company has to offer. With her star bolts, laser vision, super strength, and more, Starfire would give Superman a run for his money for Best Alien Character in Injustice 2.

Injustice 2 Top 10 Most Wanted Starfire


2 โ€“ Darkseid

Darkseid is the be all and end all of the DC Universe villains. By using Superman as the major villain in Injustice: Gods Among Us Darkseid didnโ€™t make much sense. Assuming that they donโ€™t rehash the same story, who better to act as the big bad for Injustice 2 than Darkseid himself. There would need to be an explanation as to how characters can survive his Omega Beams, but if they explained how Harley Quinn can battle Superman then Iโ€™m sure they can figure something out.

Injustice 2 Top 10 Most Wanted Darkseid


1 โ€“ Black Canary

In my opinion, Black Canary was the most surprising character not to be included in Injustice: Gods Among Us. Firstly, she is well known to be an extremely skilled fighter. Her Canary Cry adds a type of ability that wasnโ€™t seen at all in the original game which would have created an interesting dynamic among the very weapon heavy cast. Ironically, her character also played a very pivotal role in the Injustice comic. If Black Canary doesnโ€™t join the ranks of Injustice 2 I would be incredibly shocked and disappointed.

Injustice 2 Top 10 Most Wanted Black Canary


Who did we miss? Are you hoping for anyone in particular? Let us know in the comments below!