Top 8 Ways to Survive – No Man’s Sky Beginner Tips

6 – Every World is a Playground

Once you find that ideal world to call home, you are not restricted to flying from A to B. Exploring on foot can be exhilarating as you find every nook and cranny this impossible world has to offer. Not only are jet packs a life saver as a means of getting around, but using it while pressed up against a wall will allow it to constantly function, meaning you can scale the tallest cliff simply by holding in the button. On the flip side, I highly recommend getting the plasma launcher for the multi-tool, as you can not only blast your way out of a cave and into the open world above, but you can shoot your way underground into caves or – with enough isotopes to fuel it – make a nice tunnel through the base of a mountain.

no man's sky beginner screen


5 -Experiment with Upgrades

This game will eventually throw all kinds of upgrades at you for your exosuit, starship, and multi-tool but with precious limited space, you might have second thoughts about installing them. Fear not, for any installed upgrade you have, can be dismantled for later use, refunding the majority of the elements used to craft it. Craft radiation resistance but find yourself on a frozen planet? Dismantle it for the additional storage space. Sometimes I dismantle and rebuild upgrades because I want them to be nicely organized.

No Man's Sky Beginner Upgrades


4 – Learn the Languages

This might seem easier said than done, but learning the alien languages can be essential to survival. Often times you will find yourself prompted to answer a question; without the proper key words to understand what the alien is asking you, it may think you are an annoying simpleton, become angry with you, or even cause you harm. It can also decrease your standing with their race, which, let’s be honest, we all want to be liked. After every encounter you have, speak to them again for the cost of 20 Carbon (which can be harvested in the same room you meet them) and request to learn another word. Also be sure to keep an eye out for Monoliths and Ruins when flying in low atmosphere as these will not only supply more words, but are often surrounded by two or three knowledge stones which also supply words.

No Man's Sky Beginner Language

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