Tips to Get Your Criminal Enterprise Started in Saints Row

Getting the Gang Back Together

Whether you’re a tenured Saint or entirely new to 3rd Street, getting a criminal enterprise off the ground can be tricky. Rival gangs and cops want your head on a dinner plate, sure. But it’s the having to deal with never-ending anxiety stemming from an inability to trust anybody that really stings. If Saints Row has taught us anything, undoubtedly, it has to be that your friends will eventually try to blow you up.

That’s where your pals at COGconnected come in. We’re here to get you off on the right foot so you don’t have to make those same mistakes. Check out our list of early-game tips below!

Fast-Travel Photos

The fast-travel system in Saints Row is tied to specific landscapes that you’ll need to locate and photograph. Each time you snap a picture of a new checkpoint, you’ll be able to fast-travel to that spot at any time. Be sure to stop and photograph these as you come across them. They can be easy to forget, but you’ll save loads of time not having to drive back and forth across the city. This can especially be helpful early on when you haven’t yet upgraded any vehicles.

Complete JimRob’s Venture ASAP

JimRob is a greasy mechanic you’ll meet early on in your journey. Once you’ve acquainted yourselves, you’ll be tasked with locating a handful of different vehicles spread throughout the map. Not only will this questline earn you a ton of XP and cash (which tends to be relatively scarce in the early game), but you’ll also be rewarded with JR’s Attrazione. This unique supercar will leave mostly everything in the dust.

Don’t Miss the Bike Near JimRob

While you’re busy collecting everything under the sun for JimRob, don’t forget to take the time to grab the unique display motorcycle parked right in front of his parking lot. It’s one of the fastest bikes in the game, and you can simply turn it around to pull directly into JR’s garage. Bringing any vehicle back to JimRob will permanently unlock it for your personal use at any time, and this bike is no different. Thirty hours later, and I’m still making use of mine.

Saints Row in the Sky

We’ve got you covered if you’re looking for quick access to a helicopter. The image below shows the exact location, but you’ll be heading to Rojas Desert South for this. The chopper is sitting atop a cliff that may require you to wingsuit to it, though there are plenty of spots around from which to do so. The helicopters can be fragile, so be weary when flying low.

Ejection Seat

The Los Panteros will be a foe you routinely come across during your travels. Grab their attention and then swipe one of their rides with the engine sticking out of the hood – the Dreadnought Skorpio. This is one of the rare cars equipped with the ejector special ability, allowing you to launch yourself into the air directly from the driver’s seat. Perfect for wingsuiting to tough-to-reach areas, and bonus points need to be awarded for the roof flying off into the air in spectacular fashion.

Have you found tips or tricks to help players get started in Saints Row? Sound off in the comment section below!

Thank you for keeping it locked on COGconnected.

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