Top 8 Ways to Survive – No Man’s Sky Beginner Tips

Top 8 No Man’s Sky Beginner Tips 

Whether it’s positive or negative, everyone has an opinion of No Mans Sky; the most technologically innovative game to hit the market. For some, booting up the game and seeing the incredible scope of the universe is daunting, if not downright terrifying. They have no idea where to start and for that, COGconnected has you covered. While we wrap up our full review, here are our top eight No Man’s Sky beginner tips for surviving, and thriving.

8 – Upload Everything

Every time you discover a new system, planet, flora or fauna, your AI will tell you that you received units for the discovery. That does not, however, mean it has been uploaded to the Atlas. Hit the Options button (on PS4) and you can see everything you have discovered, and anything with a red mark has not been uploaded yet. You have the option to upload or name and upload, putting your custom title into the Atlas, and this is where you will get units for your discoveries. If you die and something has not been uploaded, you will lose that information.

No Man's Sky Beginner Tips Alien Top


7 – Be Picky With Planets

Not everyone enjoys a challenge, so why stick around on a barren wasteland of a planet with hostile sentinels? Except for your starting planet, you are not forced to spend excessive time on each planet. If you find a toxic atmosphere, feel free to scan a few things and bugger off until you find a planet you enjoy. Don’t like the way the color of the grass clashes with the mountains and atmosphere? Once you have hyperdrive the only reason to stay on the planet is to claim a few things for the cash. Believe me, there are plenty of planets to go around so find one you enjoy.

No Man's Sky Beginner Planet

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