5 Ways to Keep No Man’s Sky a Space Stud, Not a Space Dud

3. Apex Predators

I’ve heard a number of people mention that the thrill of discovering wildlife wears off pretty quick when the vast majority are passive herbivores and those that are aggressive are a nuisance more than anything. So what about a procedurally generated apex predator species for at least some planets, if not all? Planets are massive, there has got to be something at the top of the food chain, right? Along with that, chances are there is one particularly ferocious predator who may lead them –or at the very least the rest are terrified of. Who could say no to that kind of boss battle? Part of the boredom people experience is the lack of real threat to their lives beyond radiation or annoying the sentinels which leave as soon as you can hide in a building. Creating some sort of real peril for the players to overcome would definitely get people interested, especially if they were to name the planet a warning of what to expect.

No Man's Sky Top Screen

2. Populated Worlds

This may be the first time a human is exploring these planets, but clearly by the outposts, observatories, and various factories, you weren’t the first one here. The Gek, Vy’keen and Korvax are the intelligent races you will encounter and they have already set up shop everywhere – if only in remote locations. So where did they come from? With these advanced space faring races, they must have a homeworld and presumably have populated other planets as well. These primitive worlds are amazing to explore, but it would be very refreshing to stumble across a fully populated, bustling planet of one of these races. There would be amazing potential to learn more about them, their language, and they could be central hubs to learning about nearby planets, parts for your ship, and a whole mess of marketplace/trade options. It would be refreshing and give you a reason to return to a previously discovered system rather than throw a flag on it and move on, never to see it again.

1. Multiplayer

The number one idea everyone is raving about is the lack of multiplayer in this game. Personally, it doesn’t bother me. The concept is the isolation and how separated you are in the universe as you make your own path. Its artistic, it’s poetic. At the same time, there are already so many star systems to visit, the odds of encountering anyone anyway seems pretty slim. My preference would be the option to allow those on your friends list to be invited to drop into your universe while you both play. I think having a friend with you, both on a mic as you explore the same planet, would be an amazing experience. I don’t know that No Man’s Sky needs a full blown multiplayer, but this option would go a long way to bringing its approval up.

What do you think? What does No Man’s Sky need to grab your attention, or keep it from becoming tedious labour? Let us know in the comments section below, on Facebook or Twitter.