12 Things I Love About DOOM Eternal

Mission Challenges

Every mission presents you with three challenges encouraging you to switch up your playstyle. Completing them is well worth the effort. In doing so, you’re rewarded sentinel batteries that can be cashed in for upgrades at the Fortress of Doom. Missions become increasingly difficult. The faster you level up, the better your odds as you progress. Secret Encounters are also an excellent method of testing your skills and contribute to overcoming the demonic corruption of missions, providing you with additional batteries.


Beyond the exceptional sense of progression across upgrading your weapons, Praetor suit, and acquiring runes, the best aspect is your ever-improving skill level. The fun and brilliance of Eternal’s design are how it trains you to become a better slayer as you progress. As Hugo Martin describes it, early missions are designed for a white belt, and by the end, you possess the skills of a black belt. Combining your weapons, tools, and traversal abilities become second nature over time, and mastering the “Doom Dance” is an endless joy. 


Venturing off the linear mission path is in your best interest. In doing so, you’ll discover a variety of secrets, including collectibles, codex entries, upgrades, cheat codes, and secret encounters. The majority of secrets require you to overcome environmental puzzles like flawlessly combining a dash, double jump, and monkey bar swing to reach them. I also appreciate the option to fast travel between mission areas once you complete them. 

Doom Eternal

Fortress of Doom

Between missions, you kick it in the Fortress of Doom where you can unlock upgrades, additional Praetor suits, train in the demon prison, and admire your wall of toys, all while jamming to the multitude of iD Software records you’ve collected. There are also a few puzzles hidden throughout the fortress. It’s not an entirely necessary feature, but I’ve enjoyed reveling in all I’ve collected and have found it to be a nice breather between the unforgiving ferocity of missions. 

Cheat Codes

Cheat codes will forever be a blast. Eternal’s cheat codes don’t hinder progression. You’re free to use them while replaying missions to discover secrets you’ve left behind, and they’re wild. There’s nothing like mowing down hordes with the Unmakyr equipped with infinite ammo, power-ups, and extra lives, with fully upgraded weapons and Praetor suit, all while a Quakecon crowd cheers you on. 


I managed to get through the campaign on the Ultra-Violence difficulty. Upon completing it, I’m encouraged to give Nightmare a shot. I love the campaign in general, and I’m especially looking forward to the weekly mission challenge updates. Seeing as I’ve achieved black belt slayer status, I’m eager to jump into Master Levels. From what I’ve seen, they’re absolutely insane. I’ve yet to attempt them, and I haven’t played Battle Mode, as neither were available before launch. Eternal’s gameplay loop is addicting, masterfully polished, and there’s a ton of content to experience.

Doom Eternal

Narrative & Lore

Similar to 2016, much of Eternal’s story is confined to codex entries, of which I love reading. Sure, stopping to read entries tends to throw off the game’s pacing, but like meandering around the Fortress of Doom, they make for nice breaks between combat encounters. There are, however, phenomenal cutscenes in Eternal. The opening scene alone is incredible, and the Slayer’s mission is straightforward with some cool surprises along the way. 

Music & Sound Design

I can’t celebrate Mick Gordon’s work enough. The production process behind his tracks is remarkably creative. I like to think of him as the Beethoven of metal. 2016’s tracks are gnarly, and Eternal hasn’t fallen into the sophomore slump. These tracks absolutely rip and heavily contribute to the adrenaline rush of combat. Even the more laidback tracks like the metal choir set the tone of the story and your surroundings. I can’t wait for the full album to be released on streaming services. The game’s soundscape is outstanding overall. Weapons sound brutal and unique alongside sounds of demonic roars and literal ripping and tearing. 

What are some of the things you love about the game? Let me know in the comments below. For more on Doom Eternal, you can read our full review here.