New Returnal Trailer Shown off at PlayStation State of Play
The new trailer showcases the game’s action, enemies, environments, and gives us some shadowy hints at what we can expect from the deep storyline.
The new trailer showcases the game’s action, enemies, environments, and gives us some shadowy hints at what we can expect from the deep storyline.
Today on COG Considers we take a look at one of gaming’s most controversial “heroines”, The Last of Us: Part II’s Abby Anderson – and why she might just have a point or five.
Ready to face your fears? Dark Moonlight puts players in the shoes of Dave, who has to fight through his deepest phobias to escape a world drawn from his worst nightmares.
Play the story, skip the game? Final Fantasy XVI lets you pick your poison, whether you want an easy, story-focused experience or to face the full fury of what Square Enix’s latest fantasy has in store.
Fixed camera angles, stealth, and hungry velociraptors? It may not be the biggest dino-horror on the market, but Dinohazard has teeth.
Etched Memories puts you in the shoes of Biscuit, a cat searching for his missing mom in a dark and stormy forest. Are you a scaredy cat?
Hogwarts Legacy’s Lead Designer Troy Leavitt is in hot water after fans discovered he used to run an Anti Social Justice channel on YouTube.
Amid rumors of official remasters of both games, fanmade remakes of Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City have been taken down at the request of publisher Take-Two
Director Naoki Yoshida confirmed that the upcoming DLC will have a satisfying ending to the ongoing plotline, opening avenues for further adventures in the future.
Some mysterious statements by Bloober Team seem to hint at their work on a reboot, while VGC’s sources point in another direction. Is there a chance we’re just that lucky?