Ravenous Horde Steam Page Released Today

Wreck Havoc in Ravenous Horde

Following the success of Marble World, Vector Interactive now embarks on a brand new project: Ravenous Horde. Brace yourselves, because the excitement is about to surge as they launched the Steam page of the game today.

Ravenous Horde is a round-based multiplayer post-apocalyptic FPS game. You play as a hunter and battle with 64 other players to get the highest score in the game. However, you turn into a zombie when you die. The main goal is to be strong enough to survive the entire rounds or kill other players as a zombie.

Ravenous Horde

The game features over 50 perks to choose from. Each perk has its own unique abilities. These perks will help you play offensively, or defensively or assist your fellow hunters. There are different perks for hunters and zombies as well. Zombies can pick up perks that let them throw more body parts, take reduced damage, or slow hunters.

There are tons of options for customization. You can unlock new apparel which you can equip and show off. And the best part is, your zombie character uses the same equipped apparel in a ravaged state. Interesting, isn’t it?

Additionally, every round of the game is different because of its unique maps. It also comes with various weather presets, so, it feels completely new and different even if it is the same map. Moreover, there is a leaderboard system. If all the hunters have died, the player with the highest score will come back to the living one more time to wreak chaos.

Here are some key features of the game:

-Asymmetrical 64-player PvP matches
-Create your own load-outs
-50+ Perks to pick from as Hunter or Zombie
-Unlock weapons, weapon attachments, perks, and customizations for your character
-Maps have different weather environments
-Great replayability
-Community and official hosted servers