Forgery Craft Has Forged Its Steam Page

Master the Art of Forgery

The video game developer Empyrean and publisher Frozen District have launched the Steam page for their upcoming game Forgery Craft today. It is a story-driven point-and-click simulation game based on forgery.

You will step inside the shoes of Amelia, an aspiring artist with the ambition to make a name for herself. But, she discovers that her talents and skills lie somewhere else other than just painting still life. She took a turn towards the world of forgery after that.

Forgery Craft

Start with simple tasks like altering documents by changing signatures and dates. As you progress, you will end up forging art pieces that could even trick any museum expert. Gather new tools as you create new fakes and utilize them to achieve the results you desire. Keep your eyes out for ordinary objects too because they could become handy in this line of work.

Creating such masterful fakes is not the only thing that is important. You must convince others that they are authentic. Choose your dialogues wisely and fabricate the stories.

Overall, the game allows its players to push the limits of their creativity and deception. Hence, providing a unique aspect of the simulation genre. So are you ready to master the art of forgery?

Make sure to watch the official gameplay trailer below.