Dead by Daylight New Chapter Reveal Coming Soon

Ringu Chapter Reveal Is Coming

Dead by Daylight has been coming out for all sorts of killers and survivors since it came out. Behavior Interactive has been proactive in ensuring that there are all sorts of content for future and current players, including the inclusion of the iconic franchise Saw.



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And there is currently a reveal that’s in the works for another major horror franchise. Based on Kōji Suzuki’s works, Ringu, known in the West by the Ring, is going to be the latest chapter released by Dead by Daylight. There’s still very little that we know about the chapter. We don’t know any possible survivor, the map, or perks or powers, but the implications are heavy.

But the killer does seem to imply the appearance of Sadako Yamamura, the antagonist of the Ring series. At least, that’s what it appears to be coming from the iconic well from the teaser recently posted. Before, it seemed to be a wooded area, but there had been no signs of any people, until now.

Still, we only see the arms, not the head of anyone during the teaser, so it could be (somehow) someone else instead. It does not show any of the possible survivors either. But, as what happened in chapters previous, there may not be a survivor or map. There could be one of the three that comes with the chapter-killer, survivor, map- that is not part of the latest chapter. But we will not know for sure until the reveal comes out during the week, with all of the juicy details.

For now, though, we can get very excited about the chapter reveal, which will be coming out on February 15th. The Ringu chapter will be coming out sometime in March 2022- but we may hear the exact date during the reveal. Stay tuned!