Dr Disrespect Staying Exclusive to Twitch

Dr Disrespect  Gets Theatrical About Staying on Twitch

Making a big announcement recently, Dr Disrespect released a theatrical trailer to say he’s staying exclusive to Twitch. The nearly three minute video is a parody of battle royale games like the recent addition to Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Warzone, in which Dr DisRespect is heading to a drop zone. When he drops from the futuristic looking aircraft, he heads straight towards a Twitch building using a squirrel wingsuit. The video ended with the announcement that Dr Disrespect will remain exclusive to Twitch which streams to PC, Xbox One, PS4 and mobile devices everywhere now.

dr disrespect top

When posting his theatrical Twitch announcement to Twitter, Dr Disrespect shared that he would be “Streaming to billions around the world, only on @Twitch.” Although this spoiled the outcome of the video to gamers who only saw it on Twitter, there was some comedy in the rest of the video for them to enjoy, assuming they’re fans of Guy Beahm. Not long after Call of Duty: Warzone released, the Twitch exclusive streamer reminded his fans that he’s a COD partner and, “the arena is wide open. Thermals are for pansies in #Warzone. Takin em down.” 

There’s much to unpack from his recent video that can be viewed below, but Dr Disrespect clearly won’t be leaving Twitch for Mixer like Ninja did. With his upcoming memoir, Guy Beahm apparently didn’t see the need to shake things up with his streaming career as he’ll be continuing to stream on the primary platform he’s been on in his career. Dr Disrespect is expected to continue to draw new fans to Twitch as his unique character will only be seen in YouTube clips beyond the purple streaming platform.

Do you think his announcement video was a bit much for an exclusivity renewal? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Game Rant