Give Overwatch a Free Try Before Purchasing It
Overwatch has joined a long lineup of Black Friday gaming sales but Blizzard will also be making the game open to everyone until Wednesday, December 4th. Gamers trying the game out for the first time will have access to all of the heroes, modes and maps without restriction during this time frame, letting people try it before they buy it. If gamers find themselves enjoying it, the Standard Edition is 20% off while the Legendary Edition is 50% off. Overwatch is available on the Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC.
While gamers can progress through the levels, skins, sprays, etc. during their free time with Overwatch, that progression will also carry over to the full version of the game should they purchase it. Black Friday is a great chance to make sure your backlog never gets touched and games like Overwatch and Borderlands 3 letting gamers try the game before buying it is a great way to build brand loyalty. We remember the days of renting movies and games and free weekends like this are reminiscent of those days; having a certain amount of time to try something before deciding if it’s worth buying or not.
Blizzard is running a big Black Friday sale like many other developers, offering more than just Overwatch at a discount. The Diablo 3 Eternal Collection is 26% off, the Starcraft 2: Campaign Collection is 50% off and finally, World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth is 50% off. If you aren’t sure where to start, we actually felt that Overwatch was overall the most detailed and polished out of all the titles. Check out what else we had to say about Blizzard’s newest IP here!
Will you finally be checking out Overwatch during the free “weekend” or have you been playing it since launch? What hero are you gravitating towards? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Gaming Bolt