Media Molecule Dreams of Dreams on the PC

Media Molecule Wants Dreams on the PC

During a recent interview Media Molecule co-founder and art director, Kareem Ettouney, claimed that PlayStation exclusive Dreams could wind up on PC. The studio’s ambition is to make the game last twenty years by expanding and improving on it over time. Dreams is a combination of both a game creation engine as well as a game in and of itself, allowing gamers to create their own experiences after playing through Media Molecule’s storyline. Dreams is currently in early access on PlayStation 4 but we’re wondering if it’s another cross-generational title with the PS5 on the horizon.

Media Molecule Dreams

Without hesitation, Kareem Ettouney said Media Molecule is interested in moving Dreams to the PC should the opportunity come up: “The answer to every question is ‘yes’, but Dreams needs to reach a lot of people first. Our goal for Dreams is to last for twenty years, and keep expanding it and keep adding to it and keep improving it. But most of the PlayStation model is designed for a game to come out, it hits the market, and it makes most of its returns in the first week, y’know? If it’s a big game, it survives for maybe two or three sequels.” Ettouney seems to be forgetting the cross-generational aspect of PlayStation’s model which is delaying multiple recent exclusives such as The Last of Us II and Ghost of Tsushima.

“We need to reach [an audience] and then grow. But it’s definitely in our dreams to do Pro versions that are expanded. It just depends on a lot of things working out for us,” said Kareem Ettouney. “We need to reach an audience and then grow. But it’s definitely in our dreams to do Pro versions that are expanded. It just depends on a lot of things working out for us.”

What’s your favorite Media Molecule title and are you looking forward to Dreams? Do you think the studio will succeed in stretching the game to last twenty years? Let us know in the comments below!
