Valve Taking Action Over Fake Item Scams

Think Before You Click

It seems like only yesterday people were getting burned by scummy games like Abstractism. Although there were complaints levied about crypto mining without consent, the killing blow came from accusations of fake item scams being run through the game. Now it looks like Valve is taking action to make sure this stops happening.

Abstractism crypto mining item scams

The solution in question is elegant in its simplicity. If you get an item offer from a game you’ve never played or a new Steam game, you’ll get pop-up warning windows asking if you actually want to go through with this. If it sounds a bit silly, sometimes you just need to think for a second before getting roped in by a fairly convincing forgery. Think before you click, people!

A Valve employee has stated that this “is not the end of our response, and we’ll continue to monitor” the situation as it develops. On top of that, they’ll be making an effort to restore and recover items for anyone who’s been fooled by this insidious nonsense. Valve may be a bit slow in their responses to things like this, but at least they’re responding. Hopefully the Steam marketplace will only continue to get better from here on out.