At Long Last, Chasm Has Been Released

Has It Already Been Five Years?

Way back in the long-lost year 2013, a promising metroidvania called Chasm was proposed and funded in less than a month. Now, after much patience and twiddling of thumbs, Chasm has been finally released! I must say, it’s looking pretty spry for having such a protracted development cycle.


If you haven’t heard of it, that’s okay. Chances are you filed this one away way back when it got funded, as one must do with so many Kickstarter success stories. All indications suggest that said time in the oven was well worth it. The launch trailer is oozing that proper combination of charm and competence I look for in an indie darling.

There’s a bit of backtracking, puzzles, tight moves, plenty of weapons and delicious pixel art. It seems like a new pixel art masterpiece is coming out every month. That’s not a sign to stop making them, though. By all means, keep producing these gorgeous retro landscapes populated by charming denizens and sinister monsters. You can check out Chasm on the PS4 and the PS Vita right now. To that end, this seems like a perfect Vita title if yours is tucked away in like, a box or something.