Paul Sullivan

Kept you waiting, huh? Paul is fanatical about games, sports, and health, and is an ardent supporter of the oxford comma. He waxes poetic on Twitter @yvr_paul.

Search Results For: Paul Sullivan

All The Right Moves in Gears 5 Horde

Horde mode. Today it’s ubiquitous. A style of gameplay that’s almost expected of a big budget multiplayer title, and a mode that wouldn’t exist without the Gears franchise. I took a run at Gears 5 Horde mode this week, and yup, it’s just as fun and intense as ever.

I’m Worried About Gears 5

The Gears of War franchise has done a lot for the Xbox brand and video games in general. Where would we be without stop and pop, or the roadie run? I’m as big a fan of horde mode as anyone, but I’ve got to say: I’m really worried about Gears 5.