Paul Sullivan

Kept you waiting, huh? Paul is fanatical about games, sports, and health, and is an ardent supporter of the oxford comma. He waxes poetic on Twitter @yvr_paul.

Search Results For: Paul Sullivan

DOOM Eternal Review – Metal As F***

Doom Eternal cranks the dial to 11, throws gas on the fire, puts the pedal to the metal. Pick any cliche metaphor you want: Doom Eternal holds its slayer horns high and proud, refining just about everything Doom 2016 did well. It’s tense, frantic, and absolutely transcendent. Doom Eternal is metal as f***.

Nioh 2 Review – A Solid Game I Hate Playing

Listen, you already know if Nioh 2 is going to be your jam. There are a lot of good, and even great things here for fans of the genre, but in the end it’s another ‘one of those’. Nioh 2 is stylish, and polished, and well designed, and I hate playing it.

The Ten Best Games Of 2019

Every year, COGconnected editors gather in the Press X To Podcast battlebridge to suss out the ten best games of the year. Or maybe it’s better to say our best games of the year. In any case, these are our ten best games of 2019.

Grindstone Review – Rise and Grind

Remember the good ol’ days? You know, when the App Store was the hot and fresh and phone games weren’t absolutely rotten with timers, and gems, and golden eagles for purchase? Grindstone is a game that looks back fondly on those glorious years.