Riot Games Releases Royalty-Free Music For Streamers to Use

Perfect For Chill Streams

For streamers and content creators, finding the perfect music to accompany or play during your videos can be challenging. If you are not careful, copyrighted music can result in a nasty DMCA takedown of your videos, which we have been seeing more and more of in recent months. For just such reasons, developer and publisher Riot Games has put together a royalty-free album called Sessions: Vi for content creators to use.

Riot Games

Riot Games says, in part, โ€œSessions is a collection of music developed in partnership with a number of talented musicians that anyone can use in their content without concern of copyright strikes. The first release contains 37 tracks and thatโ€™s just the beginning. Riot Games Music is committed to creating projects like Sessions into the future so stay tuned.โ€ Hopefully, this means that there will be more albums with even more variety of music for streamers and content creators to use.

Riot Games is most well known as the developers of League of Legends and Valorant, but also as the company of gender discrimination. On one hand, they give us some of the most popular and most streamed games, and create some royalty-free tunes for us, but then they are also notorious for such a toxic work culture, so itโ€™s hard to be thankful about this. Sessions: Vi can be found on Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music, and you can download the album.

Will you be using this music in any of your projects or streams? Let us know in the comments below.