Dying Light Platinum Edition Has Been Released By Techland

The Definitive Bundle, Assuming No More DLC Comes Out

The announcement that we have been perpetually been on the cusp of for the past three years has finally been made. In December, Dying Light 2: Stay Human will be coming out. So, now that itโ€™s official, does that mean Techland will finally stop putting out new DLC for their 2015 hit Dying Light? Ever since the first game launched, it has received regular updates, DLC, and content bundles pretty consistently, with two of those paid DLC packs releasing just this year. Along with the release date announcement of Dying Light 2, Techland has also released Dying Light Platinum Edition.

Dying Light Viking DLC

The Platinum Edition contains everything. It comes with [deep breath] the base game, The Following, Bozak Horde, Cuisine & Cargo, Ultimate Survivor Bundle, Crast Test Skin Pack, Hellraid, 5th Anniversary Bundle, Harran Ranger Bundle, Gun Psycho Bundle, Volatile Hunter Bundle, White Death Bundle, Vintage Gunslinger Bundle, Rais Elite Bundle, Godfather Bundle, Harran Inmate Bundle, Retrowave Bundle, SHU Warrior Bundle, Volkan Combat Armor Bundle, Classified Operation Bundle, Viking: Raiders of Harran Bundle, and Harran Tactical Unit Bundle. Basically, there is no shortage of things to do in a zombie apocalypse.

This bundle is available on Steam, Microsoft Store, and PlayStation Store right now. The best part is that until June 10th, it is 75% off. It is normally priced at $100 an you can grab it for just $25. Even if you already have the base game, all paid DLC is still 75%, so you donโ€™t even need the bundle. If you have been sitting on this game for the past 6 years (Wow, itโ€™s been 6 years), then now is the best time to jump into it, especially since the next game comes out in just over 5 months. Dying Light is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Will you be playing Dying Light again before the new one comes out? Let us know in the comments below.