Dead by Daylight is Getting a New HUD, New Systems, and New Reworks

See You in the Fog

Dead by Daylight is without a doubt the most popular multiplayer horror game right now. Sure, Phasmophobia is popular, but it’s also only currently available on Steam, whereas Dead by Daylight is multi-platform, and supports crossplay. This means that there’s a big audience, and the one thing you can be sure about with big audiences is that they’ll never agree on anything, but the newest patch seems to address some big concerns for both survivors and killers.

Here are some of the biggest take-aways from the latest patch notes.

The Clown is now getting a new tool – the Afterpiece antidote. While the Afterpiece Tonic slows survivors, the Afterpiece Antidote speeds them up, cures them of their poisoning, or neutralizes the gas clouds caused by the tonic entirely. Seem like more than a boon than a weapon? Well, the speed increase also affects the clown, making it perfect for catching up with survivors.

The HUD is getting numerous updates, including a hook counter and (excitingly) the ability to see which player is playing which character – perfect for killers to help manage their hooks, know who the obsession is at any given time or, let’s face it, know which players are being particularly toxic.

Hex: Undying is getting some changes to combat it’s usefulness, especially given the combo potential with Hex: Ruin or Hex: Haunted Grounds. Hexes are supposed to be powerful perks that survivors can deactivate, and Hex: Ruin’s power lets it protect any other hex totems by activating a dull totem if they get cleansed. The new version of the perk will instantly deactivate itself in return for protecting the first Hex Perk to be cleansed and remove the aura reading abilities it grants to active totems. However, cleansing a totem will now still preserve its tokens – adding new combo potential with other powerful perks like Hex: Devour Hope or Hex: Huntress Lullaby.

Animations have been reworked to make survivor’s movements look more realistic.

The ranking will be reworked again, reintroducing a tweaked version of the MMR system after Behaviour’s prior attempt failed to impress. The new system aims to make matchmaking fairer, rather than pitting killers against survivors of a vastly higher skill level. The new system will also reward players for achieving high ranks with free bloodpoints after each rank reset.

Unfortunately, we still don’t know how keys will be reworked – often seen as an overpowered tool in the survivor’s toolset, keys allow survivors to bypass opening the doors by opening a mysterious hatch that spawns based on the number of remaining survivors and the number of generators fixed. The mori system has already been reworked, now requiring a survivor to be on their final hook state before a killer can kill them by their own hand, so hopefully, the key rework comes sooner rather than later for better balance.

Who can say how popular these changes will prove to be – or, after the number of glitches present in the last chapter, how well they’ll work – but it looks like big things are coming to the fog.

Are you a killer or survivor main? Let us know down in the comments.

Source: YouTube