PUBG Celebrates Its Two Year Anniversary with a PUBG Hat

Itโ€™s a Little Dusty but Sheโ€™ll Do

PlayerUnknownโ€™s Battle Grounds first made its way onto the scene two years ago. Over the weekend, the PUBG team celebrated itโ€™s two year anniversary. It officially came out in December 2017, so itโ€™s kind of like celebrating the day your parents boned instead of your birthday. Regardless, the PUBG team is extending the birthday experience to their fans and players. Everyone has access to a free PUBG hat. Itโ€™s not a real wearable at though, itโ€™s a piece of in-game clothing. They also put out a two year anniversary video with a special message from the CEO of PUBG Corporation CH Kim.


The hat is faded denim with a bit โ€œ2ndโ€ with eagle wing behind it embroidered on the front. On the side it says PUBG and a logo with what appears to be a frying pan. To get this hat on PC, all players need to do is go to the in-game store. Click โ€œPurchaseโ€ on the free item and voila. For console owners, just boot up the game. This item will be available on PC starting when Update #27 goes live until April 24th. On console, players can grab it anytime between April 9th and May 7th.

The two year anniversary video is basically a thank you to all the fans. It covers the journey PUBG has taken over the past two years, with all the trails and errors as well as the successes. At the end of the video CH Kim shows off his real life PUBG hat. My question is, is that hat going to be made available to fans IRL?

Would you buy a real life hat like this? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: PUBG