Picture Perfect Wastelands: Metro Exodus Launching With A Photo Mode

Itโ€™s A Gorgeous Game, After All

Really pretty games need a photo mode. Whether its pristine wilderness or picture perfect wastelands, players love making art out of their adventures. If nothing else, Metro Exodus looks like a gorgeous game. So the addition of a photo mode makes perfect sense.

metro exodus top

According to producer Jon Bloch, โ€œPhoto Mode has been one of the most requested features from the Metro community.โ€ Who wouldnโ€™t want to snag some sweet shots from a game that looks this good? Bloch added that photo modes are โ€œrelatively rare in first-person shooters,โ€ but they totally shouldnโ€™t be. After all, youโ€™re already using the perfect angle for photography. Why not take advantage of it? Aside from the constant and immediate danger to your characterโ€™s life.

Weโ€™ll be getting four more days of announcements about the game, with Photo Mode merely acting as the appetizer. Who knows what other wonders await, though we havenโ€™t long before we find out. Metro Exodus is coming out for PS4, PC and Xbox One on February 15th. For a better look at the game and its highlights, you can check out our preview video here. Think of it as a little location scouting before your next shoot.