Witcher Fans Struggle to Tell Game Geralt and Cosplay Geralt Apart

Just in Time for the Netflix Series

One of the greatest byproducts of gaming is cosplaying. It is nothing short of an art form when done right. And this latest player went ahead and delivered us the closest thing to a real life Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher series. But, weโ€™ll let you be the judge. Possible NSFW content below.

The side-by-side photo was posted by Reddit user gDisasters.


Can you tell Witcher one is which?

As you can see, this particular cosplayer set out to capture Geraltโ€™s full physicality. It takes real dedication getting all the scars right on top of everything else. The only way this could be more authentic is if he actually fought the monsters.

Furthermore, youโ€™d think this person was looking to audition for the new Witcher Netflix series. With this look, all he really needs is the acting ability. Now weโ€™re left to wonder if the actual actor will look anywhere near this real. Those are some serious scars to fill.

Out of the various Witcher cosplays weโ€™ve covered, this may be near the top. Others include characters and monsters from The Witcher 3: Triss Merigold, Philippa Eilhart, Morenn, the Noonwraith, and Succubus (NSFW).

What are your thoughts on this Geralt cosplay? Did you have trouble telling them apart? Comment down below.