Step Aside Genital Jousting, There Is a Game You Control With Your Vagina

This Game You Control With Your Vagina Will Improve Bladder Control and Core Strength

A company out of France is making a video game that you control with your vagina. This mobile game, called Perifit, is not just any old video game, or a strange one like Genital Jousting, but itโ€™s a pelvic floor exerciser, and a fitness tracker.

Vagina Game Perifit

As many women grow older, they likely have heard that they should be doing Kegels which are exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles and stave off incontinence. How many actually bother doing the exercises? Enter Perifit which is an exercise tracker that addresses vaginal laziness in the tech sphere. Itโ€™s goal is to make improved bladder control, core strength and sex fun. According to the developer:

โ€œPerifit solves a problem most women donโ€™t like to admit they have. Whether itโ€™s caused by having had a baby or just simply getting older, one in three women have pelvic floor weakness and problems with incontinence. Although Kegel exercises are recommended by doctors for everything for getting back in shape after having a baby to preventing UTIs or recovering from bladder or kidney infections, most women donโ€™t know exactly how, or even how often, to do them. In other words, Kegels donโ€™t work for most. And despite the proliferation of available products, wearing panty liners or pads arenโ€™t the answer most women wantโ€”especially if you prefer to lead an active life, free of worry. Perifit offers you the solution youโ€™ve been seeking. Fun, safe, and easy-to-use, it lets you train your pelvic floor muscles, improve your core strength, renew your confidence, and add a little extra something to your sexual enjoyment.โ€

Working with physiotherapists, the team developed five training programs that target different pelvic floor conditions. And each comes as itโ€™s own unique, and cute, game. To play, you insert the external (or should we say internal) controller into your vagina and squeeze those muscles. The device will in turn measure and track your progress, and let you do stuff like control butterflies.

It is Flappy Bird but a little more intimate. Perifitโ€™s pitch is clearly working too. At the time of writing, it is shattering its fundraising goal of $10,000 on Indiegogo. Those numbers suggest that ladies are interested in looking after their vaginas.

What do you think of this game/exerciser? Would you use it? Tell us in the comments below.