Hello Games Tweets “No Man’s Sky Was a Mistake” Then Deletes It

No Man’s Sky Developer Twitter Account Hacked?

It’s been a rough go for No Man’s Sky since launch. The open-universe space exploration sim has been met with bad PR since day one and today’s tweet won’t help maters any. The studio’s Twitter account posted a tweet which said, “No Man’s Sky was a mistake.” The tweet has since been deleted, and the account is currently set to private.

No Man's Sky Early Impressions Gek Monolith

You can view the tweet below which someone managed to snag before it was deleted.

The question remains; however, was Hello Games’ Twitter account hacked, or maybe this was this the work of a disgruntled employee or ex-employee? Bitter and scorned staffers do some amazingly stupid things when pushed to the brink. We don’t know the answer but it certainly appears the case.

The game launched on the PlayStation 4 back in August, and the development team has seemingly been in the dark ever since. The was some buzz sometime ago that the developer was upset and disappointed with the way that things had turned out, but there’s no telling whether the rumors have any weight to them. Regardless, the tweet just continues the downward spiral for one of the most anticipated games of the year.
