Netflix has Officially Ordered a Punisher Spin Off

Want That Punisher Spin Off? Netflix Has You Covered

First things first, if you havenโ€™t yet binged out on Netflix and Marvelโ€™s Daredevil Season Two go do that. Go do that right now. Donโ€™t worry, weโ€™ll waitโ€ฆ weโ€™re good? Ok, then! Jon Bernthalโ€™s portrayal of the bullet spraying, tough as nails vigilante Frank Castle (The Punisher) is one of the best things, if not the best thing to come out of Season Two and now official news has surface that a Punisher spin off is in the works over at the streaming giant.

Punisher Spin Off top screen

There were rumors that surfaced earlier on this year about the series coming to life, but at the time these reports were met with skepticism from those in the know. It seems like those folks might have been pulling the wool over our eyes as Entertainment Weekly is now bringing word that the series has officially been ordered up.

It goes without saying that Jon Bernthal will be back as Frank Castle, because JON BERNTHAL. Thereโ€™s been more than one portrayal of the badass vigilante over the years but none so visceral and true to character as this one. Thomas Jane gave it a good try, but John wins. Hands down. Helming up the spin off as Executive Producer is Steve Lightfoot (Hannibal).

This announcement comes at a time when the relationship between Marvel and Netflix couldnโ€™t be any better. Fans have already seen two seasons of the dark and gritty Daredevil, alongside the one season of hard drinking, super-PI (well, kinda) Jessica Jones. Set to premiere this September fans will get their hooks into Luke Cage and Iron Fist is currently in development. Season Two of Jessica Jones has been ordered up and the final event that brings all four of these characters together, The DefendersI, is set to start production around the end of this year. What a time to be alive!

If you canโ€™t tell, weโ€™re pretty excited about all this and will bring you more news as we get it.