No Man’s Sky: Leaked Image Shows NPC Character, Dialogue Options

An image leaked onto Imgur and NEOGaf shows a view of No Man’s Sky that has not been previously seen. The image appears to show an NPC character and dialogue options for conversing with that character.

no man's sky

The NPC is presumably one of the alien life form that you might encounter when you explore the “Quintillions” of planets in No Man’s Sky.

Since the aliens in the game speak their own language, communication is a trial-and-error process in which you must gradually learn individual words that the aliens speak. The image’s four dialogue options, if you can look closely enough, show alien phrases that are unintelligible.Users on NEOGaf are speculating that the orange-colored word in the image is a word that the player has learned.

We at COGconnected can’t wait to play No Man’s Sky, and this image only makes the wait all that much harder. It comes out June 21st exclusively on the PS4. Our own Cale Boudreau has written about why he thinks No Man’s Sky will be huge – check out his thoughts here.