New PlayStation Games for the Week of Aug 8th

Caladrius Blaze (PS4 Digital)

Caladrius Blaze is a vertical scrolling shooter developed by Moss. It includes all the elements of Caladrius and Caladrius AC. It also includes extra content such as new stages, new story scenarios, new bosses, and characters designed by Yasuda.


Indigo Prophecy (PS4 Digital)

In this paranormal thriller, New York City is stunned by a series of mysterious murders that follow the same pattern: ordinary people become possessed and kill absolute strangers in public. Play both sides of this breathtaking murder conspiracy and uncover the supernatural forces behind these crimes.

Indigo Prophecy PS4


OlliOlli: Epic Combo Edition (PS4)

OlliOlli: Epic Combo Edition brings together the defining Skateboarding Series of this generation. OlliOlli mixes addictive one-life gameplay with more than 120 tricks and grinds across 50 deviously crafted levels, 250 Challenges, Spots Mode, Daily Grind and, RAD Mode.


No Man’s Sky (PS4)

Here it is! The game you’ve all been waiting for! No Man’s Sky is an epic science fiction adventure set across an infinite universe, in which every star is the light of a distant sun, orbited by planets filled with life — each yours to visit. Explore never before seen worlds and trade, fight, and survive on a galactic scale.