What Happened to you Hearthstone?!

Alright, How Do We Fix This Mess?

Look I’m no game designer, but I know when something isn’t fun. Playing against Pirate Warrior isn’t fun. Getting bum rushed by Shaman isn’t fun. Never seeing turn 6 isn’t fun. With the inclusion of Patches, Blizzard seems to have signaled to the community that aggro decks are here to stay, and not only that but they seem to be encouraging their use. I’m not against aggro decks in principle, they’re just so damn strong and take such little thought. It’s disappointing to see the developers reward mindless play.

To their credit, I imagine it’s difficult to try to balance the type of deck variety that they’re aiming for, I just can’t help but think they could be doing more to push a meta that values strategy.

Hearthstone Problem Screen 5

The meta is still young. Things can (and will) change in the coming weeks no doubt. If charge minions and weapons to face are still powerful people will start teching taunt minions and cheap board clears. If those don’t do the trick and something more effective can’t be figured out then the meta will get stagnant and the cycle will repeat. The ladder will be chock full of aggro decks and confidence in the game and its developers will wane. No one wants that.

Aside from removing the cards that allow these unfun decks to flourish, I don’t know what the answer to this problem is. The shitty thing is that I’m not sure Blizzard does either.