You’re All Wrong: The State Of Modern Superhero Films

The 2 and a half hour film is a 90 minute drama, which climaxes with 60 minutes of pretty incredible action sequences. It’s a format I really enjoy, and has been done best in Takeshi Miike’s film 13 Assassins. BVS is a slow-burn, and I didn’t find it boring. I really felt its moments, and I get that many people haven’t, but it has emotional power and it really affected me. I can’t wait to see the 30 minute longer director’s cut, when it gets released in July! Batman v Superman is also a very interesting Lex Luthor film. I can’t give away anything about his story, but aside from being the rich genius who discovers kryptonite and uses it against Superman, everything else about him was unexpected. And I liked the interpretation of him as almost insane, and hating Superman in a way that people could hate God if they found out It was definitely real. And I did not see the third act coming and I loved it! I knew nothing about what happened after the Batman/ Superman fight, and I loved every bit of it. So epic! Like A Painting There is some incredible cinematography in this film, Zack Snyder is one of the few action directors who still really thinks of the still shot, and makes some images look like paintings. It’s a truly gorgeously constructed film. A good example would be a scene where Batman swings against a building, as lightning strikes in the back ground, and they perfectly recreate the cover of the old Dark Knight Returns graphic novel. I also think a lot of the praise for Batman v Superman is misplaced. Ben Affleck was great as Batman, but I don’t think he stole the show. He rose up to meet an already very compelling Superman. Gal Gadot was awesome as Wonder Woman, but she didn’t have much to do. To praise her and shit on Henry Cavill’s performance is unfair. 70% of her role was fighting. And speaking of Wonder Woman, her music! The Hans Zimmer score is incredible! All of the character’s had memorable themes, but hers is a piece of film score that sounds like a Rotting Christ song! Don’t believe me? Don’t listen to black metal? Watch the movie then listen to this:

Batman v Superman has so much going on, and everything is well thought out, explained and explored. It has some interesting themes to digest, and ends with some truly unique and intense action. I don’t think any of the action sequences topped the Dragon Ball Z-style fight with Zod at the end of Man Of Steel, but the climax was bigger! The finale definitely ramped up the threat and the drama. This is something The Avengers failed miserably at by the way. Loki was a good character in Thor, and a better character in The Avengers, but he wasn’t a bigger, or more interesting threat. Loki and an army of aliens? Still not good enough. Zack Snyder understands that one great individual figure, is more powerful than an army of generic ones. Give me a great villain, Marvel! A great villain is so important to superhero stories, which is probably why people love X-Men and Spider-Man so much. They’ve always got someone interesting to battle! The modern superhero film environment is over saturated with films that rely on fun, and lack complexity. There are different types of films that appeal to different tastes, but complaining about Man Of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice, because they’re not fun enough is unfair. They are action-packed superhero films, but they have real weight, and drama, and consequences, and lots happening, just like the great comic book stories. The best a Marvel film could hope to be is an 8/10, whereas Batman v Superman wants to be a 10. It wants to be important. It didn’t succeed for many, but it certainly did for some. As a film fan, and a comic book reader, I want more Watchmens, and more Dark Knight trilogies. I want films to want to be great. With TV shows and books having more space to explore their characters, genre films need to offer more than CG disasters in order to still impress. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I wrote this article to be jokingly antagonistic, but I wrote this in reaction to trends that were bothering me in superhero films, which I want to love. It genuinely upsets me, that a film, which I think is truly wonderful, is getting universally pre-shit-on. Yeah Deadpool’s fun, but I think Batman v Superman will get people discussing bigger themes. Watch this movie with an open mind, and in the future, demand more of your superhero films.