Top 10 ‘Must Have’ Weapons Guide for Fallout 4

Wazer Wifle

Location: Institute

Bonus: Unlimited Ammo Charge

Wazer Wifle Location 8

Wazer Wifle may sound quirky, but don’t let the name fool you. Reloading during a gunfight can leave you vulnerable, using the Wazer Wifle will grant you unlimited charge so you can fire away until your fusion cells deplete. The Wazer Wifle made its first appearance in Fallout 3, albeit it was slightly different in stats. Following the end game, you’re presented with the option to do a quest. You are tasked to fetch various items, so they can be tinkered with. Find these items and your tinkerer will eventually build the Wazer Wifle and give it to you as reward.

Wazer Wifle 8 (800x450)

The Gainer

Location: Subterranean pump house

Bonus: Set targets on fire

The Gainer Location 9

For all you pistol builds, The Gainer is a .44 magnum that immolates your targets for 15 points of damage. This can be tricky to find as it’s not a focus point on your map, travel to Hub City Auto Wreckers. Search nearby the bridge, along the water and you’ll find a door leading into a pump house. Inside, you will see a panel with four buttons. There’s a sequence of numbers you’ll have to press to unlock the corresponding door. Look around the room and you’ll find the numbers “0451” written on the wall, these are what need to be pushed on the panel. Here comes the tricky part — to register the first button as 0, you’ll need to push it 10 times, the second button 4 times, and so on. After the last button is entered, the door will spring open. Walk inside and find The Gainer laying on the floor beside a corpse along with a fusion core.

The Gainer 9 (800x450)

Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun

Location: Bunker Hill

Bonus: Telekinesis

Lorenzo Artifact Location 10

This is a unique version of the gamma gun that utilizes telekinetic energy to push back your enemies. To retrieve Lorenzo’s Artifact you’re going to head to Bunker Hill and speak to a ghoul named Edward Deegan. He will set you off on a series of side quests. Follow the quest line until you are sent to Parson’s State Insane Asylum. Inside, you’re going to be facing a lot of raiders — they are relatively easy to take out, just make sure you have some Stimpaks handy. At the very end you’ll have to decide to save Lorenzo or kill him. It’s important to kill him because it’s the only way to get the gun. When the quest is complete, a man named Jack Cabot will tell you to return in an in-game week to receive a special item. To speed up the process you can find a chair and sit to fast forward an entire week, return to the Asylum and Cabot will present Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun.

Lorenzos Artifact 10 (800x450)

With such a powerful collection of armaments, you can parade the wasteland without a care in the world. There are unique weapons scattered all over the map, some shoot double nukes and others can rain explosives from the sky. Don’t be afraid to explore some of the less appealing areas because you might come across some serious tech.