Rainbow Six Siege – The 4 Worst Operators for PvP

Rainbow Six Siege sports a generally well-balanced multiplayer mode, but there are a couple operators on both the attacking and defending teams that you may want to avoid. None of these are necessarily terrible picks, but you will almost always have a better option available. Of course, your weapon preference is important so you may want to overlook the less useful gadgets in lieu of a primary weapon that suits your playstyle.



IQ (Monica Weiss) – GSG9

Armor: 1 Speed: 3

While IQ has access to some solid weapons like the AUG 12 and 552 Commando, that’s about all she really has going for her. The high speed is nice, but personally as an attacker I prefer the armor bonus in case a defending enemy gets the drop on you. Her gadget is nearly useless for PVP as well; you’re much better off just using Thatcher’s EMP grenade to disable any enemy electronics since it goes through walls. There aren’t going to be a ton of defending gadgets each round anyway, meaning you won’t even get a lot of points for spotting them. If Ubisoft wants people to use IQ in modes besides Terrorist Hunt, they need to give her Electronics Detector some sort of buff like a short range EMP pulse.


Montagne (Gilles Toure) – GIGN

Armor: 3 Speed: 1

Like Blitz, Montagne has only a shield for a primary option. Unlike Blitz, that shield cannot flash enemies. Instead, it can extend to give you cover even when standing. It’s an interesting idea, but it falls a little flat when you could simply crouch and get a similar level of cover. Really, if you’re playing with a shield, you shouldn’t be killed by being shot from the front anyway. Fuse or Blitz are simply all-around better choices if you like shield operators, especially because of Montagne’s lack of a breach charge. Without breach charges, it’s very easy to get stuck walking right through the enemies’ firing lines if your teammates aren’t around to break down a wall. If smoke grenades are made more dense so you can hide in them properly, he might become a viable option in the future.




Tachanka (Alexsandre Senaviev) – Spetsnaz

Armor: 3 Speed: 1

I really, really wanted to love Tachanka. With his mounted light machine gun, he should be an answer to shield operators and someone who can shut down entire hallways or entry points. Unfortunately, not only is the LMG not armored but it is difficult to find good spots where it can be deployed. This tends to leave you sitting in a very open spot, with little or no cover if you didn’t bring a deployable shield. The turning radius also leaves much to be desired as it can only spin 120 degrees. 160 would be much more reasonable and would allow you to at least watch more than one entry point while standing there like a sitting duck. If Tachanka is to become a more useful operator, Ubisoft needs to fix the turret placement and maybe give some sort of blind-fire option so you can hose down corridors while ducking behind some cover. Currently the only real reason to use him is if you like the SASG-12 for its semi-auto functionality as a shotgun.


Doc (Gustave Kateb) – GIGN

Armor: 3 Speed: 1

While a phenomenal operator when playing Terrorist Hunts, Doc isn’t nearly as useful in multiplayer matches. Unlike TH, when playing against your peers the enemy will make an effort to finish you off when you’re down but not out. People tend to get headshots much more frequently as well, eliminating the revive option entirely. Don’t get me wrong, when the opportunity presents itself and Doc can revive himself or another player in a match, it can really turn the tides. These situations almost never really work out though, as good opponents won’t let a downed player out of their sights and can lay down some quick shots before you even pull out the stim pistol. If someone is playing as Rook, then it might not be a bad decision to pick Doc as Rook’s armor increases your odds of being downed instead of killed, but otherwise just about any other defender has more going for them.