Top 10 Games of Last Generation Countdown – Number 8

Alex Everatt (Contributor) – Call of Duty: Black Ops

Love it or hate it, the Call of Duty franchise made massive strides during this generation. And while Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will be remembered as the game that really made Call of Duty stand out from other shooters, for me it was Black Ops that takes the top spot for overall Call of Duty experience. The story stands as one of the best in the franchise, and the inclusion of Zombies in addition to Multiplayer made it a fantastic all-round game. And while Black Ops 2 also had a pretty decent story, Black Ops 3 was an absolute dud and will undoubtedly be the last Black Ops game we see for a long while.

Top 10 Last Generation Call of Duty Black Ops


James Paley (News Editor/Contributor) – Super Smash Bros Brawl

Super Smash Bros Brawl was an alright installment in the Smash series. It was incredibly frustrating if you were a serious player, though. Seriously, why was tripping a thing? Project M fixed all of that so while Brawl isn’t exactly top ten good on its own, a free mod to a game you already owned made it much better.

Top 10 Last Generation Super Smash Bros Brawl


Stephan Adamus (Contributor) – Asura’s Wrath

Asura’s Wrath is a video game that’s maybe 20% gameplay, and 80% cutscenes. The first level of the game is a rail shooter, where the game’s protagonist is tumbling through space towards a planet, hurling fireballs at gigantic squid monsters, even though most of the gameplay is third person action. But there’s plenty of variety in-between, from levels where you’re battling enemies larger than planets, to levels where you’re trying to not get too drunk and pervy at a hot spring. Asura’s Wrath is a total trip for those who love their games bizarre, epic, and story-driven.

Top 10 Last Generation Asura's Wrath

Click on thru to page four for the last of our team picks…