God of War: 7 Parenting Tips For Kratos, From One Father To Another

Praise is Huge for His Development

A couple of years ago, when we watched you guide Atreus through his first successful hunt, you gestured as if to put your hand on his shoulder and praise him for his efforts, and yet you pulled back. Do not do this! Let the boy know you’re proud of him! Shower him with fatherly praise just as much as you saying things like “do not be sorry, be better.” We’ve already seen him translate Norse writings for you, so we know he’s going to be useful to your cause. He needs to know when he’s doing the right thing, so reward him with a “atta boy, Atreus” when he is deserving of it!

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Lighten Up, Kratos!

Look, I understand that you have been through a whole lot in the past. Vengeance, deicide, the occasional visit with Aphrodite, I get it. There’s a lot of past trauma that affects your current mindset, but do not punish Atreus for it! He wasn’t part of those past sins, he is not to blame for any of it. Try to keep a smile — or at least your version of a smile, whatever that may be — on your face as you speak with him. A bright future for him relies on a supportive present from you.

Admit Your Mistakes

Speaking of that rocky past, as much as you may try to shield the boy from those events the truth may end up surfacing anyway. He will be confused, in denial, or angry when the truth is revealed. Do not dance around the issue, do not try to make excuses for your actions. Come right out and take responsibility for it. Not only will he learn how to do the same, but his respect for you may grow if he sees that you’re open and honest with him.

Be The Role Model he Deserves

You may not see yourself as the role model type, but Atreus absolutely does. You’re going to have to always keep that in mind as you travel. Your anger cannot get the best of you, your temper cannot be aimed at the boy. Leave the rage, and more importantly the physicality, to the enemies you face. He is the humanity you thought you lost Kratos, do not take his from him too.

Follow these tips and Atreus will easily grow up to be the strong, powerful warrior that you are today. It won’t be a walk in the park, and even if it were those parks would be filled with monsters, but I have no doubt the two of you will feel that familial bond in no time. I look forward to seeing how this all plays out very soon.