8 Amazing Far Cry Primal Easter Egg Locations

Shameless Ubisoft Logo Plug 2b (1280x720) Looks like Ubisoft has been around longer than we thought. Find a painting of a deer with Ubisofts logo as the moon located in Chishta cave, you have to do a bit of leg work to find it but it does pay off in the form of a delicious Easter egg. Enter Chishta cave and burn the shrub blocking the entrance, here you will have to climb a ledge then grapple down to a lower area, climb another ledge and continue forward until you find the painting. Hold your torch to it and examine the wonderful artistic expression of early man. 3a (1280x720)   Return Of The Blood Dragon 4b (1280x720) Remember the epic Far Cry 3 based standalone, Blood Dragon? Of course you do, it was the most talked about DLC I’ve ever seen. The 80’s retro theme re-skin with lasers and dragons — what’s there not to love? Ubisoft if you’re reading this, if you make a full sized, standalone Blood Dragon game our money will belong to you. In Far Cry Primal you can find the remains of a blood dragon in a cave with the same colour scheme as the DLC. Head to the location on the map and head towards the tip of the river where you’ll find a waterfall. Trace backwards a few feet and traverse up the hill turning right. There should be a secret cave near the waterfall, enter the cave and you will receive the ‘Mark 4 Wenja’ achievement. Walk further inside and find a viewing area of the blood dragons skeleton. 4a (1280x720) Click on thru to page three to continue the countdown…