8 Amazing Far Cry Primal Easter Egg Locations

Find The Assassins Creed Logo 5b (1280x720) Perhaps the easiest egg to find in this guide, head to the location on the map and find the outline of the Assassins Creed logo, you can’t miss it. This isn’t the first time AC appears in the game either, Ubisoft created Assassins Creed and it gets mentioned again which we will cover in a bit — I’m starting to think it’s implied that Takkar is among the first Assassins in history, that would be a bombshell of a twist. 5a (1280x720)   Watch Two Cavemen Get Frisky 6b (1280x720) There’s an area where you can walk past two cavemen doing the naughty — It’s 10,000 BC, who needs a bed? If you stick around they will go all the way until you’re noticed, the man will get up, run away leaving the woman behind. To find this head to Paysha River Outpost and head south till you find a campfire. Approach it and meters away you’ll notice the two people on the ground getting ‘primal’ with each other. 6a (1280x720) Click on thru to page four to continue the countdown…