10 Beginner Tips for Surviving the BioShock Collection

10 Beginner Tips for Surviving the BioShock Collection

It is hard to believe that the original BioShock game released 13 years ago, and yet it not only remains one of the most notorious games for its genre-twisting narrative but it has managed to survive all the way to current-gen consoles without missing a beat. For some of you, picking up the BioShock Collection on Switch will be your first foray into Rapture and to that all I can say is: get ready for one hell of a ride. Of course, we couldn’t just leave our readers to wander blindly through the Lovecraftian depths that is BioShock, no no. What we have here is some vital beginner tips for those who have yet to discover what it means to come face to face with a Big Daddy, and we are even so nice as to include tips for each game in the trilogy. So, without further delay, would you kindly sit back, relax, and enjoy our list of Beginners Tips for Surviving the BioShock Collection.

BioShock Tips

1. Reload Everything

Upon first entering the city of Rapture you’ll no doubt notice a large number of items to scavenge strewn about the halls. This will include health packs, food, Eve injections, and ammo to name but a few. If there is only one aspect of the game which dates it, it is the lack of an automatically regenerating health system as we have become so accustomed to. Undoubtedly you are of a mind that as soon as a single bullet is expended it is time to reload, but what if I told you it is more than safe to do the same with your health and Eve meters? You can stockpile a number of items to refill these bars, but you will encounter them so often there really is no reason not to “reload” these just as often as you might your trusty machine gun. I know the temptation to horde these until they are desperately needed but I never quite felt like I was in short supply.

2. Avoid the Vices

Yes, Rapture is a city with many shiny objects to pick up, and as stated before you’ll never be in short supply of healing items, but I also exclude from that list the cigarettes and alcohol you can find in abundance throughout the underwater city. The vices may replenish one bar but they take away from another. There are tonics to stop this effect, but why waste a slot equipping that tonic when you can just be a good little boy and avoid drinking and smoking? Sure it might be cool, but this is your virtual well-being! Stick to the doctor-approved medkits and random fruit laying about, you’ll thank me later.

3. You Little Shutterbug, You!

In what seems like no time flat you’ll find yourself a research camera. Any enemy you take a photograph of will analyze the target and give you valuable Intel. Unlike today’s notion of photo modes, completing the research on an enemy will not only provide information on how to defeat them with ease but it will grant you bonus damage to that enemy type. You’ll get significantly less points for snapping a shot of a dead enemy or the same one over and over again, so if you don’t find the walls of Rapture just a little too spooky to wander around without a shotgun in hand, it might be to your advantage to keep the camera handy as the denizens beneath the deep sprint full speed at you with a handgun or a pair of scissors.

Click on through for BioShock 2 tips