5 Basic Dark Souls 3 Tips For Beginners

4. Lure It Out

You’ll see a ton of messages that mention sniper spots or to “try luring it out”. A common mistake is rushing blindly into a room with two or three enemies, thinking you can take them on. I assure you, all it takes is one misstep and you’ll be chain-stunned, unable to even roll away and recoup with an estus flask. No matter what class you started as or what your stats are, find a bow as soon as possible and use it to lure enemies into attacking you. Thin out the herd a bit before moving forward.

Dark Souls 3 statue

5. Use Your White Soapstone/Summon Others

If you’re still having trouble, or you’d just like to know what’s around the corner without risking your souls, use your white soapstone. You can purchase it very early on from the shrine handmaiden. If you have been summoned, you will not lose souls when you die as a phantom. As a bonus, if you help the host of embers kill a boss, you regain your ember. Having trouble killing a boss or a tough enemy in your own world? Summon phantoms! Seriously, playing the Souls series with other players – especially in a group larger than just the two of you – is basically turning down the difficulty. Enemies will have more life, but it doesn’t really matter when you and your partner in crime chain stun almost everything.