Lost Ark Will Have 2 New Advanced Classes in Upcoming Updates

Lost Ark Is Getting Two New Advanced Classes by April & May

Lost Ark’s roadmap for the next couple of months have been revealed. Fans are rejoicing devs confirmed in a blog post that two new advanced classes are going to be added to the game.

We are going to keep the near future focused on horizontal content,” the devs wrote. “And giving players clear paths for progression without feeling like they need to pay.”

lost ark 2 new advanced classes upcoming updats

The first one, the glaivier, is coming to Lost Ark in April. The glaivier is a martial artist who fights enemies with the use of pole arms. She can switch between a flurry stance using a spear and a focus stance using a longer glaive. Plus, she can also summon whirlwinds and have the power to teleport from one area to another.

“While certain builds may focus your attention onto one of these weapons, an effective glaivier can maximize their potential by creating balance between the two stances,” the devs continued. “Building up energy in one stance which grants an impactful stat-boost when swapping to the other.”

The destroyer, on the other hand, will be joining the glaivier in May. He is a warrior with an unfeasibly large hammer. By using this weapon, he can hit the ground so hard that rock spikes come out and pierce enemies. Furthermore, his trusty hammer also emits lightning.

We have talked about the cataclysmic impact that Warriors hav eon the battlefield,Lost Ark devs added. “But nothing embodies this better than the hammer-wileding destroyer.”

The team behind Lost Ark wants to “provide fun content for players even if it is at a higher level.” “We will continue monitoring player feedback and data and provide updates when we are able as we strive to remain transparent in our communication and decision-making,” they added.

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