Quantum Knights Bringing TPS to An Open-World RPG This Year

TPS Meets RPG 

Having a hard time choosing between magic and guns in your third-person shooters? Luckily, entering this medieval fantasy world allows you to blend both of them in PVE and PVP combat. Today, LINE Games is excited to announce its upcoming third-person shooter RPG, Quantum Knights, now has its Steam page live. Introducing players to a world where technology and magic have evolved together, now players will use magic-powered guns to explore dungeons and defeat enemies. A press release goes into more detail on the game and the key points of its gameplay. Additionally, a gameplay trailer from the game’s announcement last year gives players a look at what they can expect.

Quantum Knights

Quantum Knights allows players to step into the role of Volants. These powerful warriors are able to wield magical firearms. Importantly, players will be able to choose between various gameplay styles depending on player preference. For instance, players can choose between Offensive, Defensive, and Support types of characters. Interestingly, the world of Quantum Knights is an open world full of much to explore. There will be loads of content for players to engage with, from hidden dungeons to Search Operations, and Hunter’s Requests.

Importantly, players can get a glimpse of the action and firearms in the gameplay trailer. Check out the trailer below. 

Quantum Knights is set for a release this year. Currently, the game is available for wishlist on Steam. So, are you ready to enter a world of magic and bullets, and magical bullets?