Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder!
This coming year, Star Wars fans are hoping to see a follow-up to the 2019 hit Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. A teaser was released for the new game in May, but it has been quiet these last few months. Today, we got a look at some of the pre-order and Deluxe Edition bonuses coming with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Cal Kestis will be returning to continue his journey of being a Jedi in the Empire’s galaxy. The bonuses that players can get will give options to mix up the cosmetics in the game, namely Cal’s outfit and weapons.
Pre-ordering Star Was Jedi: Survivor will unlock the Hermit Cosmetic, Hermit Lightsaber Set, and Combustion Blaster Set. The Hermit cosmetics are inspired by Obi Wan Kenobi’s outfit in Episode IV: A New Hope.
The Deluxe Edition will come with the Galactic Hero pack. This includes the Scoundrel Cosmetic, the Rugged BD-1 Cosmetic, and DL 44 Blaster Set. Any Star Wars fan will be able to spot the Han Solo throwbacks here. It also includes the Rebel Hero Cosmetic, BD-Astro BD-1 Cosmetic, and the Rebel Hero Lightsaber Set. This is inspired by Luke Skywalker’s appearance at the end of A New Hope. No medals for Chewbacca though.
These images were leaked on the game’s Steam page. However, fans with fast hands were able to screenshot them before getting taken down. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor still has no release date, but we are betting it will come out in 2023.
What we can glean from this leak is that Cal will be adding a blaster to his arsenal of weapons. Hopefully, this piece of equipment will upgradable and customizable, like his lightsaber.
Are you excited for the new Star Wars Jedi game? Let us know in the comments below.
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