RedDeer.Games Giving April Clumsy Rush Profits to Ukrainian Journalists


As the conflict in Ukraine continues to cause destruction throughout the country, the gaming community has risen to the call to action. From 11 Bit Studios to Fortnite. The world of gaming has stood in solidarity with its Ukrainian friends, family, and fellow humans. Today, RedDeer.Games is also stepping up to the plate once again. A blog post on their website today details how all March profits for RedDeer.Games’ cyberpunk adventure game Cyber Protocol are going to the Wprost Foundation. Additionally, alongside the blog post, a tweet from RedDeer.Games provides the details about how RedDeer.Games isn’t stopping yet.


In addition to the March profits of Cyber Protocol, the studio is upping the ante. All of the profits made for their game Clumsy Rush made in April will also be going towards the foundation. The Wprost Foundation itself has been operating since 2012. Normally the foundation works on educating and supporting talented students from poor families. However, lately their attention has been turning to supporting Ukrainian journalists who have made it to Poland. 

Furthermore RedDeer.Games has created fifteen new jobs with their studio. Specifically made for Ukrainians fleeing their country the jobs range in title and skills from marketing to IT and more. 

RedDeer.Games’ game Clumsy Rush is available on the Nintendo E-Shop and the Microsoft Store.  For those looking to offer more help, you can visit the blog post.