Stalker 2 Devs Put Game on Hold Until ‘After Victory’ in Ukraine

Stalker 2 Devs Paused Development

Stalker 2’s development has been put on hold by its Kyiv-based devs. Developer GSC Game World was one of the first to speak out against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They called for financial aid for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 

Today, they spoke out once again to officially inform the gaming public that they had to push their work on Stalker 2 to the side due to the increasing danger in their country.

stalker 2 on hold until after victory in ukraine

Now we are striving to help our employees and their families to survive,” Stalker 2 devs said. “The game development shifted to the sidelines.”

The war between Ukraine and Russia an ongoing painful topic even among the members of the gaming community. Just last week Stalker 2 devs’ focus was on game development. Now, they have more serious real-world problems to focus on. “We wanted to show how the cut scenes were created, took time to watch the videos, write scripts, and speak with actors,” they continued. “The previous week was ages ago.”

The video that Stalker 2 devs shared begins with a sneak peek inside GSC’s motion capture studio. They recorded it as part of a showcase of the game’s mocap work that they have originally planned. It is indeed a poignant ending to a video that is relatively difficult to watch.

Despite putting the game on hold, the devs have promised that they will resume their work at an unknown time. “We will definitely continue,” they added. “After the victory.

There was no particular mention of the sequel which was originally scheduled to launch on December 8th. However, considering the country’s increasingly dire situation, game release dates are the last thing on their minds right now. Russian troops are massing outside of the devs’ home city of Kyiv while other Ukrainian cities are coming under increasingly heavy bombardment.