Yacht Club’s Mina the Hollower Smashes Through Kickstarter

Mina the Hollower Is Yacht Club Games’ Newest Project

Mina the Hollower is Yacht Club Games’ latest project, and game that is hoping to come through to the gaming platform. And it looks like with the help of many backers on Kickstarter, this game will be coming to fruition in the near future.

mina the hollower december 2023 launch

It was discovered this morning that Kickstarter’s goal, which was 311,503 USD, is now at 487, 652. 94 USD- and that may even change while this article has been published. It’s a pleasant surprise for all involved, and Yacht Games could not be happier.

Yacht Club, which is known as the developers of the popular Shovel Knight game, released a tweet saying: “Mina The Hollower is full steam ahead, and it’s all because of you wonderful backers. We wholeheartedly thank you. We just released an update that includes our first Stretch Goals and answers questions about reward tiers!

It is a pleasant surprise, but just from looking at the screenshots and gifs, the game is absolutely adorable. It appears to be a homage to Link’s Awakening, and to retro games in general, much like the spirit of Shovel Knight, Yacht Club’s first game.

And while there is a projected release date of December 2023, now that the initial goal has been hit, Yacht Club has come up with various goals that could happen before funding ends. Known as a stretch goal, two have already been smashed right through, ensuring that there will be a Sound Test feature. This is not exactly as it seems. This alludes to sound tests that have taken place in retro games, and would allow players (perhaps after a quest, or in a more streamlined menu; developers have yet to decide) to listen to various tracks of the game without having to play the game itself, no matter how long or short it is.

mina the hollower december 2023 launch

The other stretch goal fans have managed to get are cheat codes. Now that this goal has been reached, Yacht Club will implement possibly hundreds if not more of cheat codes that players can put into the game and do, well, just about anything they want, depending. They’re already asking for suggestions, but in Shovel Knight, they made it a possible challenge, straight out cheats, and just for the laughs, depending on the code given.

So far, it looks like Mina the Hollower has done well for itself on Kickstarter. We will just have to see if it keeps up the pace in the next month, and meets more stretch goals.