Risk of Rain 2 Introduces Second Survivor From the Void

The Power of The Void Itself

The void is sending forth yet another survivor. Hopoo Games’ 3rd person shooter roguelike, Risk of Rain 2, is preparing for the release of its first DLC: Survivors of the Void. Alongside the previously revealed character, the Railgunner, Hopoo provides information on the second character of the DLC, the infamous Void Fiend. A developer blog post on steam provides more info on the character. Additionally, a reveal trailer gives players a glimpse of the fiend in action. 

Risk of Rain 2 Void Fiend

Risk of Rain 2 is a 3rd person shooter roguelike game. Players take on the role of unique survivors each with their own powers and weapons. Each run allows you to collect new items and abilities that ensure that each playthrough is different than the last. Players will advance through branching portals that take you to different stages that feature different enemies, items, and boss fights. The content is always there to explore. 

Now, players are getting even more content. As mentioned in COGconnected’s previous article on the Railgunner character, the new DLC is bringing a lot to the game. Of course, the most recent reveal is the second new character the Void Fiend. 

Co-Founder of Hopoo games, Duncan Drummond, describes the Void Fiend as answering “the age-old question: what happens if you leave Commando out in the rain?”

A being who uses the very power of the void itself, the Void Fiend brings unique mechanics to Risk of Rain 2. For instance, the Fiend’s void corruption passive works as a transformative tool to give the character new abilities. Yet, everything that comes with this character’s power comes at a price. Will you sacrifice health to maintain your power? Or will you give up power for survival? 

Risk of Rain 2’s Survivors of the Void DLC is set for a March 1st release for PC. Console releases are planned for a later date.